We are our own worst enemies, you know. What we think, what we come to believe. While having lunch with my sister today, she reveals that her husband tried the grilled onions she prepared and to his surprise, he liked them! Now, for years he has said he doesn't like them. But how did he come to believe that? He was a child when he made that discovery, and like so many other things we come to know as "true" when we are children, it just sometimes isn't the case as we grow up! How many beliefs do we have operating in our minds that are no longer true, but we don't know that?
"The Work" by Byron Katie is a simple, effective way for us to examine the reality of our beliefs and choose thoughts that actually serve us for our betterment. I watched Byron Katie do 'The Work" with several volunteers and was amazed at the results. I had my own epiphany while in the audience, which I will share at a later date. To learn more go to, www.thework.com. It is free to download the worksheet and to view video clips of "Katie" doing the work with people on a variety of issues. It is amazing. I purchased one of her books at the workshop, "Loving what is" and when she signed it, I looked into the most peaceful, amazing, loving blue eyes I have EVER seen in my life! It rocked me. I was moved to tears by the love, peace and grace in her eyes. As soon as I finished that book, I went to the bookstore and purchased another from her, "I need your love, is that true?"
Byron Katie changed my life! I am forever grateful for the profound gift she is and how she so generously shares her wisdom with the world. The space between your thoughts is where salvation is.
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