Creating a plan of action to facilitate your wellness goals and live the life of your dreams.

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Trinity Wellness Network is a resource for people to connect with Holistic practitioners of alternative modalities to support them on their path to increased wellness and balance. We meet people where they are, and assist them to where they want to go.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A loving transformation

Yesterday, I began a self generated ninety day transformation. For the next three months, I am taking an inward journey of self love. This begins with an exploration of my internal landscape to become aware of, and modify, that which is creating my external experience. Our outer experience of the world, of life, is just a reflection of our inner environment. It is time for me to clean up my environment.

In my life I have many ways of distracting myself, of escapism, of not being present. In her book, “Women, Food and God” , Geneen Roth says, “Never underestimate the inclination to bolt.” [Quoting a Buddhist teacher, Pema Chodron] For this 90 day endeavor I commit to staying present and aware in each moment of my life, especially when I want to run! Instead, I will use it as the clue it is intended; to become aware that there is something I want to avoid, something I do not want to face, something I am afraid of, going on in my MIND. It is usually an automatic response stemming from the conditioned part of my mind, not from conscious choice. When I come upon such an impulse, I will now allow what ever it is to have it's moment. To hear what it has to say. Allow it to move through me and be released, exhaled like used up breath.

In my work, and through much study, I have learned that it is our own mind that limits us. We are the only thing in our way. We are not victims of circumstance or at the mercy of others; we are the creators of our own life experiences. We must take back our own power and choose with purpose and intention. Either way, we are creating what we live.

So far on this journey, I have discovered that I am VERY hard on myself. [Even for being hard on myself!] I am catching myself thinking thoughts of unworthiness, not enough-ness, being undesirable, not being allowed to have what I want. In the noticing of these thoughts, without judging them, I realize that I can choose to be kind and gentle to myself. That admonishing and berating has never inspired anyone to greatness or lasting change. I now question the validity of these automatic responses, and replace them with new, self loving responses. I am finding self acceptance and appreciation so motivating! I get more done in less time and am far more balanced in the process.

When we love and accept ourselves, the world is free to love us. When we do not, we are desperate for love and no matter how much the world loves us, it is not enough. We need constant reminders, reassurance of their love. We never really feel it. We don't really believe it. We may constantly question it. The only way to be content in it, is to be the source of it. Know the love of self. In that space, you can truly know you are loved and enjoy the love of another.

As I reveal and heal more of my inner being, I will share my new found wisdom with you all. Here's to new discoveries!

Happy healing,


Monday, January 17, 2011


I have never been a good cleanser. That being said, I think too many of us forgo the benefits of cleansing because we believe that it is too intense, too drastic. It doesn't have to be.
Cleansing is about shifting the balance between feeding and taxing our bodies. We are exposed to so many toxins in our world, more in one day than our grandparents were in a lifetime. Our bodies are constantly working to eliminate the toxins accumulating in them. When our systems get overloaded, we become sluggish, foggy headed, lethargic even ill. Our bodies need a chance to rest.
So how do we get our balance going in the right direction?
Any step you take is a good one. When it comes to cleansing, you can simply add your choice of cleansing products to your regular routine. This is the mildest form of cleansing but it is still a good choice. You don't have to do anything else different and you will be making a contribution to your body! There are many good products to choose from to cleanse at your level.
You can modify your food intake slightly, eliminate the top three or top five things you eat that are the worst for you. Or you can make a moderate shift, and select only a few, healthy live foods to eat while cleansing. A dramatic shift would be a fasting cleanse where only your cleansing products and water are consumed.
Each of these styles are beneficial.
You can cleanse for 1 day, 3 days, 10 days or 30 days. Any amount you do will help you balance your body and promote good health.
Here are some products I think work well.
Young Living 5 day Nutritive Cleanse
Sun Warrior
Amazon Herbs
Garden of Life
Stanley Burrows Master Cleanse

Don't be afraid. Try it your way and do your body good.
Happy cleansing,