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Trinity Wellness Network is a resource for people to connect with Holistic practitioners of alternative modalities to support them on their path to increased wellness and balance. We meet people where they are, and assist them to where they want to go.

Monday, January 17, 2011


I have never been a good cleanser. That being said, I think too many of us forgo the benefits of cleansing because we believe that it is too intense, too drastic. It doesn't have to be.
Cleansing is about shifting the balance between feeding and taxing our bodies. We are exposed to so many toxins in our world, more in one day than our grandparents were in a lifetime. Our bodies are constantly working to eliminate the toxins accumulating in them. When our systems get overloaded, we become sluggish, foggy headed, lethargic even ill. Our bodies need a chance to rest.
So how do we get our balance going in the right direction?
Any step you take is a good one. When it comes to cleansing, you can simply add your choice of cleansing products to your regular routine. This is the mildest form of cleansing but it is still a good choice. You don't have to do anything else different and you will be making a contribution to your body! There are many good products to choose from to cleanse at your level.
You can modify your food intake slightly, eliminate the top three or top five things you eat that are the worst for you. Or you can make a moderate shift, and select only a few, healthy live foods to eat while cleansing. A dramatic shift would be a fasting cleanse where only your cleansing products and water are consumed.
Each of these styles are beneficial.
You can cleanse for 1 day, 3 days, 10 days or 30 days. Any amount you do will help you balance your body and promote good health.
Here are some products I think work well.
Young Living 5 day Nutritive Cleanse
Sun Warrior
Amazon Herbs
Garden of Life
Stanley Burrows Master Cleanse

Don't be afraid. Try it your way and do your body good.
Happy cleansing,


Katie Fisher said...

My friend did the Master Cleanser for 10 days (drinking nothing but water with lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne powder) and at the end, she passed a large, white, 10 inch long, tapeworm. I like cleansing often. Every day I take cleansing herbs. Why wait around for a sick day? Cleanse constantly. Love you Laurie. I'm glad you've got your blog up and running.

Laurie Reynolds said...

Thank you! I added it to my list as I meant to include it originally. It was my first cleanse as well, and is so easy to modify and add to your life.